Friday, March 20, 2020

How to Break Up With Someone

How to Break Up With Someone Free Online Research Papers Life is full of changes. One of the most emotional and hardest changes is realizing that you are ready to let go of relationship. It is not easy and there are so many delicate strings to limbo through as you try not to get tangled up or break anything. Most people want to make a nice, clean, easy break but fail to know how. Let’s be honest with ourselves, usually long before we let go we know that we want to let go, we just aren’t sure how to go about it. The longer we sit and ponder on it, the more tangled the relationship web has become. Friends and family may have become an embedded part of the relationship depending on how long it has gone on. A lot must be considered, such as our motives and are we personally truly ready for the emotional rollercoaster. After all we may find right after the deed is done that it should not have been done. To be honest unless both parties are ready to let go, there will always be hurt. The key is to minimize the pain. We know we are not quite ready to tell the other person of our intentions yet, but we need to tread lightly. Perhaps we should not make comments about being here forever or make any promises of love that we know we do not intend to keep. We need to keep it light and back away from some of the things we have been doing. It should be done with gentle care and respect. After all we are trying to preserve the friendship and cause as little pain as necessary. We might even consider hanging out with our own friends a little more, giving the other person a chance for independence. This may seem a little cruel but you want them to see that they don’t need to be around you all the time. You are setting up their cushion by giving them independence. They won’t feel so lost and alone if they have another shoulder to cry on. The most hurtful thing about losing the person you love is not knowing what to do with yourself. When you are use to being together all the time you don’ t know how to cope. So basically you are setting them up to survive, and dulling the pain. At first they may get upset that you want to hang out more with others, but encourage them to do the same. If they are honest with themselves and otherwise pretty sharp they will know at this point that the relationship is coming to its end, and may even call it quit themselves here. Whenever you are ready to let go, you need to figure out if you want to handle this on the phone, by letter, or in person. Do not break up after having sex, or spending a romantic day together. This needs to be done on its own day with no emotional events happening. You could try to pick a fight but the best way is to be straightforward about it. The hardest approach will be to do this in person because you will have to see the pain in their face and the tears. There really is no easy way to do this, except by perhaps letter. This is you call to pick which way suites you the best. Be honest with the person for why you want to break up. Don’t tell them you just need time or that you don’t know what you want when you do know. This only creates false hope that you will return. Tell them that you will always care for them but don’t say that you love them. The truth is that if you are leaving then you have more than likely fallen out of love. To say that you still love them is a lie and your actions later will only hurt more. They will end up hurting themselves by trying to figure out how can you love them and yet leave. Tell them that you really love the friendship that you have and are sorry for the pain. Explain that you truly never wanted to hurt them and that while you are sure this is what you want it makes it hard to let go. They will probably want to know if you are seeing anyone else or intend to. Let them know that right now you have no intentions of committing to anyone, but that does not mean you will not choose to be in a relations hip later (this part only if you know you fully intend to date soon). This sounds bad but it would hurt them more to see you out with someone after you said you didn’t want anyone. Allow them to cry and assure them that you still want to maintain a friendship. Tell them you understand if that would be too hard to do at this time, but you were willing to wait until they were ready. The most essential part is making sure you don’t make promises you don’t want to keep. If you are ok with hanging out still, do so, but it would probably be better to hang out in groups. If you end up spending too much time together you will give the false hope. Make sure you do not break up around any holidays, anniversaries or birthdays. If there are children involved please be careful to still give them the care they deserve. The most important thing to remember is patience. Because they will experience hurt, give them a chance to vent and tell you how they feel. Don’t get back together out of pity and don’t make excuses. You can still be available as friend to that person. Just tread lightly when expressing the way you feel about them. If you truly don’t want to hurt their feelings try and remain single for a while to give them time to adjust. This is really important if you have the same friendship circle. Don’t shy away from hanging out with the group as you normally did, and don’t be cold. Talk to them just like you use to because you don’t want to alienate them. You want to show them that you can still function as friends. It’s always going to be a hard thing to let go. No matter what we can not prevent the pain. The best we can do is hope to minimize the damage; damage control is all about what you say and how you say it. There is no need to be nasty about a split when you have a friendship base. Even if you don’t really care to speak to them again, be nice out of respect for the friendship that was. It is the most selfless thing we can do in this situation. Research Papers on How to Break Up With SomeonePersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Fifth HorsemanThe Hockey GameCapital PunishmentComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

7 Myths and Misconceptions About Serial Killers

7 Myths and Misconceptions About Serial Killers Much of the information that the public knows about serial murderers has come from Hollywood movies and television programs, which have been exaggerated and dramatized for entertainment purposes, resulting in a significant amount of misinformation. But its not only the public that ​has  fallen prey to inaccurate information concerning serial killers. The media and even law enforcement professionals, who have limited experience with serial murder, often believe the myths generated by the fictional portrayals  in movies.​ According to the FBI, this can hinder investigations when there is a serial killer loose in the community. The FBIs Behavioral Analysis Unit has published a report, Serial Murder - Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators, which attempts to dispel some of the myths about serial killers. According to the report, these are some of the common myths about serial killers: Myth: Serial Killers Are All Misfits and Loners Most serial killers can hide in plain sight because they look just like everyone else with jobs, nice homes, and families. Because they often blend into society, they are overlooked. Here are some examples: John Eric Armstrong  confessed to killing prostitutes in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, and to 12 other murders that he committed around the world while he was in the Navy. He was a  former U.S. Navy sailor  known for being a good neighbor, who was a committed husband and devoted father to his 14-month-old son. He worked at Target retail stores and later with the Detroit Metropolitan Airport refueling airplanes.  Dennis Rader, known as the BTK Killer, murdered 10 people in Wichita, Kansas, over a 30-year period. He was married with two children, a Boy Scout leader, employed as a local government official and was the president of his church congregation.Gary Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer,  confessed to killing 48 women over a 20-year period in the Seattle, Washington, area. He was married, held the same job for 32 years, attended church regularly and read his Bible at home and work.Robert Yates  killed 17 prostitutes in the 1990s in the Spokane, Washington, area. H e was married, had five children, lived in a middle-class neighborhood and was a decorated U.S. Army National Guard helicopter pilot. Myth: Serial Killers Are All White Males The racial background of known serial killers generally matches the racial diversification of the overall U.S. population, according to the report. Charles Ng, a native of Hong Kong, China, possibly tortured and killed as many as 25 people with his partner, Robert Lake.Derrick Todd Lee, a black man from Louisiana, killed at least six women in  Baton Rouge.Coral Eugene Watts, a black man from Michigan, known as the  Sunday Morning Slasher, killed 17 people in Michigan and Texas.Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, a Mexican national, killed nine people in Kentucky, Texas, and Illinois.Rory Conde, a Colombian native, murdered six prostitutes in the Miami area. Myth: Sex Motivates Serial Killers Although some serial killers are motivated by sex or power over their victims, many have other motivations for their murders. Some of these include anger, thrill-seeking, financial gain, and attention seeking. D.C. Area Sniper, John Allen Muhammad, and  Lee Boyd Malvo  killed 10 people to cover up the fact that Muhammads eventual target was his wife.Dr. Michael Swango  was convicted of four murders in the U.S. but may have poisoned as many as 50 people in the United States and Africa. The motivation for his murders was never determined.Paul Reid  killed at least seven people during robberies of fast-food restaurants in Tennessee. His motive for the robberies was financial gain. He killed the employees to eliminate witnesses. Myth: All Serial Murderers Travel and Operate in Multiple States Most serial killers operate within a comfort zone and definite geographic area. Very few serial killers travel between states to kill. Ronald Dominique  of Houma, Louisiana, confessed to murdering 23 men in nine years and dumping their bodies in sugarcane fields, ditches, and small bayous in six southeast Louisiana parishes near his home. Of those who do travel interstate to murder, most fall into these categories: Individuals who constantly move from place to place.Homeless transients.Individuals whose employment lends itself to interstate or transnational travel, such as truck drivers or those in military service. Because of their traveling lifestyle, these serial killers have many comfort zones. Randolph Kraft, known as the Freeway Killer,  was a  serial rapist, torturer, and killer who murdered at least  16 young males from 1972 through 1983 throughout California, Oregon, and Michigan. He was linked to 40 additional unsolved murders through a cryptic list found during his arrest. Kraft worked in the  computer field, and he spent a lot of time on business trips to Oregon and Michigan. Myth: Serial Killers Cannot Stop Killing Sometimes circumstances will change in a serial killers life causing them to stop killing before they are caught. The FBI report said the circumstances could include increased participation in family activities, sexual substitution, and other diversions. Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, murdered 10 people from 1974 to 1991 and then did not kill again until he was caught in 2005. He told investigators that he engaged in auto-erotic activities to substitute for killing.Jeffrey Gorton  killed his first victim in 1986 and his second victim five years later. He did not kill again until 2002 when he was caught. According to the FBI, Gorton engaged in cross-dressing and masturbation, as well as consensual sex with his wife between the murders. Myth: All Serial Killers Are Insane or Monsters With Exceptional Intelligence In spite of fictionalized serial killers in the movies who outsmart law enforcement and avoid capture and conviction, the truth is that most serial killers test from borderline to above average intelligence. Another myth is that serial killers have a debilitating mental condition. As a group, they do suffer from a variety of personality disorders, but very few are found legally insane when they go to trial. The serial killer as an evil genius is mostly a Hollywood invention, the report said. Myth: Serial Killers Want toBe Stopped The law enforcement, academic and mental health experts who developed the FBI serial killer report said that as serial killers gain experience with killing, they gain confidence with each offense. They develop a feeling that they will never be identified and never be caught. But killing someone and disposing of their body is not an easy task. As they gain confidence in the process, they can begin to take shortcuts or make mistakes. These mistakes can lead to them being identified by law enforcement. It is not that they want to get caught, the study said, its that they feel that they cannot get caught.